Retirement Life of
Ed & Edith Gray

My wife, Edith retired on 11/24/99 and I retired on 05/31/01. Edith owned and operated Edith's Cafe for many years. I retired with 36 years of public service of which the last 28 years was as a County Agricultural Extension Agent in McCook County employed by South Dakota State University. Prior to that I taught Vocational Agriculture for 5 years in Burke,SD and 1 year in Salem, SD and 2 years as a County Agent in Pennington county, SD.
We have been traveling a fair amount so we spend some time RVing and some time traveling over seas. The purpose of this web site is to provide those who are interested a way to be able to enjoy some of the experiences and pictures from our travels. When there are requests we will also provide information in regards to things we have learned while preparing for and during our travels in regards to using GPS, E-Mail and amateur radio on the road, battery power and others.
wØsd@triotel.netFollowing are links to trips we have taken so far in our retirement travels
Link to Summer 2001 trip to Alaska
Link to Pictures of our Early 2002 trip to Florida, Gulf Coast, Texas, Big Bend NP, NM and AZ
Link to Pictures of our March 2002 trip to Mexicoand our E-mail travelogues
Link to Pictures of our Summer 2002 trip to the Maritime Provinces of Canada and New England along with the travelogues
Link to Spring 2003 Trip to Southwest
Link to 2003 trip to Northwest and BC
Link to 2004 Mexico trip
Link to East Coast 2004 Trip
Link to Africa 2004 Trip Safari One
Link to Africa 2004 Trip Safari Two
Link to Mexico 2005 Trip
Link to New Zealand 2006 Trip
Link to Australia 2006 Trip
Link to Asia 2006 Trip
Link to Hawaii January 2007 Trip
Link to 2007 Trip to South America
Link to 2009 Trip to Central America
Link to 2010 Trip to Costa Rica and South America
Link to 2010 Trip to The Gambia Africa
Link to 2011 Trip to Ecuador
Link to 2011 Trip to Bonaire
Link to Amateur Radio Dx-peditions by W0SD
Link toSD Amateur Radio Page